Posts Tagged ‘Paris’

Ped across the pond!

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Hey, Ped fans, I just got back from my twice-yearly trip to Paris, where I scouted out all kinds of wonderful things for you to enjoy in Fall 2010. Let’s just say you have a lot to look forward to!

I started off the trip by spending a rainy day in Milan visiting Fiorentini + Baker and hunting for cool, new shoe designers. As usual F+B wowed me with their fabulous boots—get ready for an over-the-knee knockout(!!!) and a chunky-heeled ankle boot coming your way in autumn! I am smitten with F+B’s blue and green leathers, plus there’s a beautiful new grey called “rabbit.” Are you wondering if I discovered any new designers to add to Ped’s lineup? YES, I did! I don’t want to name names just yet, but I found three—one from Israel, one from Belgium, and one from Barcelona, Spain—who all create unusual and beautifully made designs! I can’t wait for you to see them!

Milan 2010

It may have been rainy at the Duomo di Milano, but Amy's smile was still sunny!

My shoe friend Amy from Virginia was also in Milan, so we battled the rain and went out for a “light” dinner. Let me tell you, going “light” in Italy is impossible—we feasted on bruschetta, tomatoes and fresh mozzarella, and ravioli in cream sauce. Yum!

Then it was off to Paris for five days! While there, I picked out new Antipast items, which you will love, and swooned over Sophie Digard’s latest designs. Cross your fingers because I’m hoping she’ll make us some arm warmers for chilly days next fall! Karin Wagner took the train from Switzerland to deliver her latest wonders to me in person! How sweet was that?

Paris 2010

Sophie Digard (center) flanked by her lovely staff amid her gorgeous scarves!

As usual, Rafi from Cydwoq and I went to our favorite Lebanese restaurant to talk shop. I also drank coffee and discussed new styles for Ped with Trippen’s Michael and Claudia. And we had a Seattle Ped reunion when I ran into former Ped employees, Nealy and Nicole! The days were so full that I didn’t have any time to sightsee or shop this go-round, but I did enjoy my morning walks through the Jardin des Tuileries on the way to work (although, brrr, it was brisk—26 degrees)!

Children sailing boats in the Jardin des Tuileries. What a wonderful walk to work!

I came back happy and satisfied from a very productive trip! Although I’m in no hurry to rush through spring and summer, wow, is Ped ever ready to dazzle you in Fall 2010! You’re going to smile, I promise!

Une tasse de café (ou deux ou trois)

Monday, October 19th, 2009

During the first week in October, I made my biannual trip to Paris for the international shoe show (and, of course, for a dose of Parisian culture, shopping, and food). I had so much fun! Although I didn’t notice any overriding new trends—just a lot more black—I do have some wonderful tips about things on tap from Cydwoq, Trippen, and Fiorentini + Baker.

At the show Cydwoq and Trippen had their booths right next to each other, which makes sense since they both appeal to customers who appreciate edgy, arty, and comfortable shoes that have an ethical and environmentally aware sensibility. Michael of Trippen bought a new espresso machine, which he set up in Cydwoq’s booth, so you can guess where everybody gathered!

The beloved new espresso maker on the right, and Cydwoq's Rafi and Trippen's Michael enjoying its output on the left.

The beloved new espresso maker on the left, and Cydwoq's Rafi and Trippen's Michael enjoying its output on the right.

Cydwoq has gorgeous washed leathers for spring and summer in beautiful shades of caramel, dark brown, and yellow. Trippen, meanwhile, fulfilled my constant quest for green shoes, plus I discovered great silver and steel metallics at Trippen. And, yes, the popular wedge and cups soles will be coming your way again for spring (we love them).

The Baker in Fiorentini + Baker, Deborah Baker has one of the best smiles in the business!

The Baker in Fiorentini + Baker, Deborah Baker has one of the best smiles in the business!

Meanwhile, over at Fiorentini + Baker, I fell for the relaxed tall boots and low ankle boots in suede. And get ready for the F+B triple-buckle sandal that’s coming to Ped for warm weather!

Plus, Fiorentini+ Baker is offering styles in lovely new greens and blues. Ped fans, you will swoon!

When I wasn’t working, I shopped and ate and ate and ate some more. My shoe pals and I noshed on great Lebanese food at Noura, and we made our regular pilgrimage to Fish La Boissonnerie for homemade bread and, yes, fish. And, needless to say, we all drank a lot of coffee!

The weather was beautiful the first two days, so I took time to visit the Jardin de Tuileries.

Jardin de Tuileries.

Jardin de Tuileries.

Unfortunately, it rained the rest of the time, but since I had to be inside anyway, it didn’t really matter. After all, who can complain when my walk home every evening offered this view?

From the Seine into a sea of sandals…

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Well, I’m back at Ped HQ, and I’m happy to report that, as usual, I had a complete blast while working hard in Paris! A few notes about what you have to look forward to next fall and winter: The “in” colors are cool tones—greys, ranging from graphite to elephant grey, and blues, running from slate to cobalt to teal. And good news! Black is the new black! The style trend dominating Paris is the boot—both short and tall—worn all seasons of the year. It’s a look I personally love. I think a breezy summer dress paired with chic boots is so fresh! Stay tuned because new Fiorentini + Baker boot styles arrive in June. (Yippee!!!!) Plus, I’m excited about the amazing Cydwoq and Trippen designs coming for fall. 

My favorite men in shoes: Rafi of Cydwoq, Michael of Trippen and Pierre of

My favorite men in shoes: Rafi of Cydwoq, Michael of Trippen and Pierre of Anatomica (which carries the best selection of Cydwoq and Trippen in Paris).

Of course, while in France I made time for a little personal shopping.

Photograph by Andi Beauchamp

Photograph by Andri Beauchamp

Gals, if you don’t already know about Cotélac and Noa Noa, you definitely need to acquaint yourself with these wonderful clothing shops the next time you’re in Europe! They are always at the top of my Paris to-do list. And, of course, I had to stop by Ladurée to pick up some macaroons for my sweetie! Terry is so terrific about holding down the Ped fort while I skip around Paris, eating Lebanese food, drinking espresso, and soaking up everything from shoes to architecture, that the least I can do is bring him his favorite treat!

When I got home, I discovered Ped transformed into Sandal Central! We have so many eye-popping new designs, and they are ALL so fabulous that I hardly know where to begin. But here are a few of my favorites (with more to come in a later post):

Oo-la-la, ladies, how sexy is Coclico’s Odalisk? Every time I look at this gorgeous heel (which is so, so soft to the touch), all I can think of is movie-star glamour! Wearing this suede beauty, you could truly stop traffic.


The Cydwoq Vintage Feel makes me feel like going on a romantic picnic on a sunny afternoon (and maybe turning a few cartwheels). This flat sandal captures the very spirit of summer! Plus, you have to love, love, love the orange insole—what a fun detail!

For those of you who like a more earthy look:

Trippen has wowed us again with the Curls sandal! The look is hippie-retro but with a modern edge (and, needless to say, it’s ultra-comfortable). The design of the leather is truly ingenious (notice how the braid running up the front organically emerges from the solid strap over the toe). Plus, we’re crazy about the fringed knot at the back, which is both functional and fun.

Now let’s all do a warm-weather dance to bring on spring! I’m in the mood to let my toes run free.

J’aime Paris en mars

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Bon jour from Paris, amis du Ped, where I am looking here and there, at the trade shows and out on the street, for new delights to bring back to Ped. I love my annual visits to Paris, even when the weather is daunting (it was snowy but beautiful two years ago). Not only is it fun to find out what’s cutting-edge in Europe, but also the city itself is so eye-opening.

Photograph by Andri Beauchamp

Last year, all the European shoe pros were wearing (and raving about!) Trippen’s Tidy, and the most stylish Parisian woman making the rounds was carrying Cydwoq’s Telegram bag (yay for our beloved Rafi and his California-based biz). I can’t wait to see what’s all the rage this year!

Of course, I’ll drop by Sophie Digard’s shop to see her latest crochet wizardry. On my last visit, I swooned over her new necklaces, in particular, the Pastille Pop strand

So, what do I wear when I’m in France? I always go for true-blue classics that are timelessly chic. For me, those include:

1) My Cydwoq Sphinx Boots

I have had these beauties for years, and yet they still bring in the compliments every time I step out in them. There is nothing nicer than being in Paris, a city synonymous with style, and having people oooh and aaah over my boots! 

2) My Sophie Digard Signature Scarf

It originated in Paris, so I give it a little trip home every year. I feel effortlessly chic when I wrap it around my neck. Plus, it’s warm, and I never tire of looking at its amazing craftsmanship. (If you haven’t used the “zoom” feature on Sophie’s scarves at the Ped site, I strongly encourage you to give it a try. You will discover a veritable universe of multicolored fine yarns intertwined in the most stunning combinations.)

I’ll be back at Ped HQ next week, ready to report on my Paris adventures. But before I board the plane, you can bet I’ll stop by this chocolate shop! 

I’ll eat a bon bon for you, okay? Au revoir, mes amis!

Hitting the road (and returning with treasures)!

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

It’s that time of year again—for the next few weeks yours truly will be heading to Las Vegas for the World Shoe Association trade show and then jetting to France and Italy for more Ped shopping. I love hunting for new lines to bring to Ped, but ferreting out those hard-to-come-by items that combine ethical production, superior quality, and unusual style can be exhausting! People who know me can attest to my stamina (just call me “Sporty Spice”!), but I would be lost without comfortable shoes and boots capable of going round-the-clock, carrying me from one trip to the next.

So, meet two of my all-time favorite traveling companions:

There’s a lot of love out there for Fiorentini + Baker’s Eternity Boot (hello, celebrities). And with good reason! Not only is this boot fantastic looking (a little bit of badass in a stylish package), but it also is the pinnacle of comfort. Its construction is hardy enough to withstand hours of walking anywhere you care to take it—convention halls, Manhattan streets, or Parisian boulevards. I particularly love this boot in brown because the color is so versatile. When I don’t have time to think about what to wear, I always buckle up the Eternity boot, knowing I’ll look—and feel—great!

Another excellent style capable of going the distance is Cydwoq’s Seat Bootie:

My favorite thing about this cutie is how light it is! I don’t know about you, but at the end of a long day my feet often feel like they’ve been dipped in lead. But not in the Seat! These boots keep a spring in my step even after hours of traipsing from Point A to Point Z. Because they lace up, they easily adjust if, heaven forbid, your ankles start to swell. And let’s not forget the style factor—these ankle boots look edgy and chic with almost any on-the-road outfit. If you like to show off your tights, you’ll love the tongue-less construction that lets you flash your favorite hosiery for the world to enjoy. (And it doesn’t hurt that the Seat is currently on sale!)

So, I’m off, Ped fans. I’ll continue to blog a bit from the road. And before you know it, I’ll be back with the promise of good things to make you Ped heads smile!

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