Posts Tagged ‘handmade’

Lions out! Lambs in!

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Yes, it’s been toooooo long since I’ve posted a bit of Ped goodness here. But now that spring is springing, I feel fresh and ready to gambol about in the warm weather–in new shoes, of course! Here at Ped, we LOVE everything green. So, behold three of our favorite ways to show off the color that comes with spring.

First up, Chie Mihara’s seriously juicy Vespa. I ask you, could this shoe be any more glamorous? Besides the gorgeous color, I particularly love the slight curve to the heel.

But maybe you just want a run-around-town sandal that can take you from the dog park to the farmer’s market to the hammock on your porch for a little siesta. In that case, Cydwoq’s Fence is your perfect companion. I know we say it in every description, but the great thing about Cydwoq is every shoe molds to your foot and truly gets better the more you wear it.

Finally, if you’re feeling extra sassy (and you should be–why not? It’s spring already!), then Trippen has just the shoe to match your mood: the Donna. Ankle straps are going to be big this spring and summer, and Trippen gives them quite the European twist!

Step out in any of these shoes, and people are going to ooh and aah over your footwear. And a few might just be “green” with envy (quit groaning–spring makes me punchy!).

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