Posts Tagged ‘design’

Shoe love shout outs!

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Ped fans, it’s been far too long since we’ve said thanks for the wonderful attention other blogs and sites have paid to Ped! Discovering someone has featured a Ped item or said something nice about us always lifts everyone’s spirits here at Ped HQ. It’s the equivalent of walking down the street and having a stranger say, “Cute shoes!”—and you know we all love that!

Here are just a few of the sites we appreciate (and if we missed your recent kindness to Ped, let us know in the comments because we’re definitely grateful):

A big virtual bouquet of roses to all of these blogs and sites!!! We love what we carry here at Ped, and it’s always thrilling to find out others do, too! THANK YOU!

Lulu and Ella wag their tails for all the virtual Ped love!

(By the way, this week’s Sweet Treat is the Trippen Sinus! Find out why everyone’s wild about Trippen’s wedges by clicking “be sweet to your feet” in the upper right corner of any Ped page, which will take you to the Sinus with the magic discount code that will bring 20% off at checkout.)

The many charms of Chie Mihara

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Ped fans, even on the coldest, most overcast, dreariest day, we LOVE this time of year! Why? Because every day brings a new shipment of boxes packed with spring styles! And this season, the prettiest so far are those designed by our lady of Spain, Chie Mihara!

In addition to scads of new styles, we’ve brought back some Chie favorites decked out in new colors and leather combinations. (Do not miss the Veranito in either curry or magenta!) And every pair of Chie Mihara’s, no matter how high the heel, feels like heaven on your feet, thanks to Chie’s uniquely designed insole. You look fabulous! You feel fabulous! The best of all possible worlds!

Below are a just a few of Chie’s lastest charmers that will make your feet sing, “Spring!”

It’s hard to know where to begin, but one of our favorites for gals who like to amp up their height is Chie Mihara’s Amapola:

Holy cannoli, what a knockout! The large cream dots are so much fun, yet this two-part heeled beauty still radiates sophistication. The arc of gold piping is genius!

Chie is known for her carefully selected leathers, and this season several styles rock the snakeskin look. Drink in the gorgeousness of the Xope:

What a femme fatale! With its softly tucked brown suede up front combined with snake-printed leather everywhere else, the Xope looks like something a 1940s Hollywood starlet might wear!

Maybe your taste for retro runs more toward the 1970s, in which case, dig the Xeroco:

Chie Mihara is a virtuoso at taking fashion history’s hallmarks and reworking them into modern designs. The Xeroco‘s chunky straps are vintage-inspired, but its front-and-center buckle is über cutting-edge.

“All very nice,” you may be thinking, “but what about COLOR?” Well, make sure you’re sitting down because you’re going to swoon! (Chie has truly outdone herself.) Check out the Jaila!

What a sweetheart! This heeled sandal is sunshine on your feet! Everywhere you walk in the Jaila, you’re going to improve everyone’s mood! (Wear cute shoes, do society good!)

And that’s just the start of the color works! Take a gander at Chie Mihara’s Tiju:

We can’t help it—every time we look at this flowered lovely, we sigh. What a shade of blue! Plus, we love the way Chie has spiraled the suede and pinked its edges to make the rosettes on the toe.

For those of you who like to go bold, whip up the sass with Chie Mihara’s Guinyo:

Charm alarms will go off everywhere when you step out  in this red and blue number! The new lower heel is breezy and fresh! The Guinyo will definitely get the party started wherever you go.

And speaking of parties, we saved our personal favorite for last! (Seriously, I’ve made this one my very own!) Say hello to Chie Mihara’s Enty!

So chic! So whimsical! So fun! Multicolored suede dots festoon gold leather on this shoe that just begs to go out dancing! You’ll start saying yes to every invitation just so you can wear the Enty out and about! Love, love, love (love, love, love, love).

And there are even more winning Chie Mihara styles over at Ped’s main site. (Honestly, they’re all so beautiful.) Pick your pleasure, and then go out and charm the world!

(Speaking of charming, this week’s Sweet Treat is Jamie Joseph’s Indian Ruby Droplet Earrings! Just in time for Valentine’s Day, they will warm your heart and dazzle your admirers at 20% off! Simply click “be sweet to your feet” in the top right corner of any Ped page to be whisked to the earrings with the magic code for the discount at checkout!)

Beside ourselves over Cydwoq!

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Everyone knows how crazy we are for all things Cydwoq! But, honestly, Rafi and Ari—the father and son team responsible for Cydwoq’s ultra-cool designs—have really outdone themselves for 2011. A smorgasbord of new warm-weather styles just arrived in the Ped warehouse, and Cydwoq has served up something for everyone from strappy heels for the girly girls to run-around-town flats for the tomboys at heart.

Here’s a taste to whet your appetite and encourage you to think spring (or, if you’re lucky, mid-winter vacation)!

One area where Cydwoq excels is in creating practical walking shoes that still turn every head with their unusual style! Case in point, the new Sabates:

Too cool!!! But cutting edge funkiness is not the end of the story because these artistic shoes are also easy to wear. Simply slide your foot into the welcoming interior—no buckles, zippers, or even elastic to fiddle with!

Another great runabout style is Cydwoq’s Penalty, which is our pick for the first thing to pack if you’re heading somewhere warm.

You can cruise through sightseeing, shopping, and sipping a cocktail at the end of the day, looking terrific whatever the venue. And thanks to Cydwoq’s famous construction, you may be tired, but your feet will be blister-free and ready to go again tomorrow.

But maybe you’re looking for a wearable heel to go to the office (without sacrificing any snazz). Then breathe in the Vapour!

Everyone at Ped is smitten with the Vapour’s off-center t-strap. Plus the red color is simply delicious. (I ask you who doesn’t love a red shoe?)

And if you enjoy a sassy buckle-and-heel combo, then Cydwoq’s new Possession has your name on it!

Just like A.S. Byatt’s novel of the same name, this beautiful heel embodies both a 19th century romanticism and an utterly modern attitude. For lovers of the steampunk aesthetic, the Possession is a retro-futuristic dream come true!

Another thing we admire about Cydwoq is how their designs often bring artsy and organic together into a harmonious whole.

The new Buds sandal is earthy and urban all at once. We love the way rivets connect the leather leaves, but we confess this sandal had us at green (our favorite)!

For sheer impact, though, we recommend lacing up Cydwoq’s new Expo!

Kapow! This sandal’s rustic yet clean-lined design takes the gladiator sandal a step ahead, out of the arena and onto the runway! Super chic—imagine how terrific the Expo will look with a floaty summer dress! A perfect exercise in contrasts!

The above bevy of beauties is just a glimpse of the panorama of Cydwoq styles awaiting you at Ped’s main site! You’ll love the view—but Cydwoq’s hand-crafted comfort is what will win your heart!

(Have you seen this week’s “sweet treat”? It’s Trippen’s over-the-knee Nox Boot! Whether you pull it high or cuff it and scrunch, the Nox is the perfect tall, dark, and lovely boot you’ve been hoping to find. Just click “be sweet to your feet” in the upper right corner of any Ped page to be transported to the Nox, where you’ll find the magic code that will bring a cool 20% off  when entered in the box at checkout!)

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