May 18th, 2022
Posted in shoes, spring, summer | Comments Off on Loints of Holland Lands at Ped!
May 9th, 2022
Posted in Fiorentini + Baker, Giraudon, Pep Monjo, shoes, spring | Comments Off on Italy Arrives at Ped
April 14th, 2022
Posted in scarves, shawls, Sophie Digard, special, spring | Comments Off on 20% Off Sophie Digard from France!
March 22nd, 2016
“V is for Victory”!
That’s how we feel whenever we begin importing from Europe. The paperwork, restrictions, tariffs and waiting are a giant shoe-gauntlet that we try to dance through. So whenever we succeed with a shipment, and drag it over the doorstep, we’re dancing in our (pretty!) shoes!
As you may recall, all you loyal Pedsters, we’ve had a little trouble in the past being victorious with Vialis. But no more! Vialis is back, and in they’re rare shape! We opened the boxes and were treated to a breath of fresh spring air with each new style. Take a look for yourself and see why “V is for Victory
” Vialis!

Posted in Knowhow, shoes, spring, Vialis | Comments Off on V is for Vialis!
November 17th, 2015
Ped fans, we’re sorry we’ve been so remiss! It occurs to us in the Warrens of the Warehouse that we haven’t shared a Tale of the Sole in ages! And since summer has thoroughly yielded it’s bliss to fall’s chill, it’s the perfect time to tell the following tale. Let’s join Ped fan Marie for a quick trip North of the Border. Way North. To Alaska, to be exact. Here’s her report about her Ped-happy home:
Waiting in line at the alaska-grown vegetable booth at the alaska state fair. a gentleman came up to me and asked, “Young lady, May I ask where you got your boots?

Wearing her Ped Shoes, Marie takes on the wilds of Alaska. (Luckily, the wilds of the farmer’s market are no match for her style either!)
I retrieved a business card from my wallet and handed it to his wife, explaining exactly why I shop at pedshoes :: satisfying shopping experience. meticulous craftsmanship. timeless style.

Trippen through the wilds of Alaska, with Marie
Recently I came to the realization that shoes and, in particular, boots, are tools for my needs. So, I never feel I must rationalize purchasing well-made hand-crafted boots.

Trippen’s Tramp shoe traipsing around the tundra!
And Marie goes on to mention her experience with us Ped-sters:
Dayna is always knowledgeable and helpful, even going as far as donning a pair of show-room boots and shooting a photo when I have questions about appearance and fit. Thank you, Dayna and Ped Shoes for all my unique and artsy tools….

Spreading the Ped Love!
We’re blushing! And as a token of gratitude for sharing her shoes, Ped is delighted to give Marie a $100 gift certificate!
Do you have a Tale of the Sole? Tell us—and show us (we LOVE pictures!!!)—what happened to you while wearing something from Ped, and you, too, might be the recipient of $100 in Ped credit. We’d love to share your sole-ful story on the blog, so let us know what in the world you’ve been doing in your Ped!
Posted in boots, Cliff Dweller, Cydwoq, fall, shoes, Tales of the Sole, Trippen, winter | Comments Off on Ped’s Anchor in Alaska: Marie’s Tale of the Sole